

25 countries TOGETHER for a better VET education

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user guide

1st STEP: On the top right click on the SIGN UP button

2nd STEP: On the Form you ll see please fill in all the fields

3rd STEP: Make sure to check your email for the ACTIVATION of your account email. Also check on the spam folder, who knows!

1st STEP: On the top right click on the SIGN IN button

2nd STEP: Fill in the fields with your email and your password and click LOG IN

1st STEP: Make sure you are connected with your account. Then go to the Groups page by clicking the “Groups” button from the menu.

2nd STEP: Find a group that you are interested in, and either click on the related “Request access” button

or click on the group title to visit the group’s page to see more information first. And then click on the “Request Access” button.

1st STEP: click on the notifications button in the top right corner. A little window appears with the most recent notifications and another button “View Notifications >”, to see all notifications.

2nd STEP: click the “Accept” button

1st STEP: Before sending a message, you have to be connected with another member. So you can click on a member’s icon to see his/her profile and then click the “Connect” button.

2nd STEP: After your invitation has been accepted by the other member. A new “Message” button appears in his profile page that allows you to send him/her a message.

3rd STEP: You can add more recipients, type your message and click “Send”.

Or you can go directly to your messages section and type his/her name to send a message.

1st STEP: Click on your name or user icon on the top right, to open the dropdown menu. Then from the menu, click on the “Profile” button.

2nd STEP: In your profile page, you can change your profile image and your cover image (if you hover on them you can see a button that appears). Also you can click the “Edit Profile” button to update your information (first name, lastname,…etc)

3rd STEP: Update your profile information and click the “Save Changes” button.

1st STEP: Click on your name or user icon on the top right, to open the dropdown menu. Then from the menu, click on the “Account” button.

2nd STEP: Type your current password and your new password twice. Then click the “Save Changes” button.